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  • Writer's pictureDaryl Pung

Game Start... Again!

We decided as a group that this time, the plot shouldn’t be as convoluted as before.

Simplicity is key!

After seeing how crestfallen Jonathan (our group leader) looked from the lecturers’ criticisms, Khiirtana and I decided to take the lead as coordinators this time. Thanks to Mr Charles’ idea, we decided to make our plot something personal to FID students, something based on our struggles.

We came to a consensus to do it about how stressful and frustrated we become doing our assignments.

IDEA 1: Fundamental Drawing Class (sound clip 1)

Our first idea was about fundamental drawing. The setting is in a drawing class with easels set up. The students in class will be based on the color wheel and they would form little groups. E.g red, orange and yellow are a group of friends while green, blue and purple are another group of friends. Each color represents an emotion. Mr Ernesto or Mr Zainal would be teaching the class and they’ll go up to each color and comment on their drawings. Depending on which emotion it is, they’ll all react differently to their comment.

The problem with this was that it might need too many props (the easels are quite heavy) and we weren’t exactly sure how we would make this entertaining for 2 minutes.

IDEA 2: Zombie Apocalypse (soundclip 1)

Credits to Jonathan, this idea is about how 1 person managed to infect a large group of people through a series of funny events and at the end when everyone has turned into zombies, we would all attack the lecturers. We only needed one prop which was a toy gun. Everything else would be expressed through our movements.

The problem with this was that there was no meaning to it. We thought of combining Idea 1 + 2, but it wasn’t really working.

IDEA 3: Frustrations In FID (sound clip 1)

For this idea, there will be an embodiment of FID who will act as our teacher. The plot will be told in 6 week intervals, each week shows how we slowly go from being energetic and positive to becoming more and more stress, eventually reaching a breaking point where we all go crazy.

Although it might sound dark it’s funny… trust me…

We decided to stick with this idea as it wasn’t too complicated and it seemed like a fun plot to act out.

Our new performance is called:

Frustrations In FID

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